The Seventh Series is a Land Double using hen pheasants. The mat sits
on the left side of a road at the top of a hill. The road goes down
toward the left hand flyer and the curves hard left. The field that we
are running in has strips of cover at an angle from the mat towards the
far right. The right hand bird, a dead hen pheasant, is thrown to the
left at 240 yards to the base of a tree. There is a pile of brush in the middle of the field
that may influence the dogs. The flyer hen pheasant is straight ahead of
the mat at 238 yards. This bird is shot left angle back landing in
moderate cover. The line to this bird is down the grassy area to the
left of the road, crossing the road as it turns and then continuing
uphill. This field is quartered by the road, a fence on the far end and a
tree line on the right. The test is a fast one at approximately four
Bird One – Dead Hen Pheasant – 240 yards |
Bird Two – Hen Pheasant Flyer – 238 yards |